Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 TASK 2 LET'S APPLY FOR A JOB Halaman 59

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Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 59 Task 2

Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris SMA Kelas 12 Halaman 59 Task 2 Let's apply for a job  

Saatnya siswa kelas 12 
belajar cara menulis 
surat lamaran kerja 
dalam bahasa Inggris 
setelah memahami dua 
contoh surat lamaran kerja 
(application letter) pada 
halaman 50 dan 57. Siswa 
diminta mengerjakan tugas 
Task 2 pada halaman 59
Berikut adalah poin-poin 
yang harus ada dalam 
application letter tersebut: 

1. Write your address = 
Tulis alamatmu

2. Write the address 
of the company your 
application letter is 
sent to = Tulis alamat 
perusahaan yang surat 
lamaranmu akan dikirimkan

3. Write down the name 
of the person in charge = 
Tulis nama orang yang 
bertanggung jawab (= 
penanggung jawab 
penerima lamaran)   

4. Write down any necessary 
information in the opening 
of the letter = Tulis informasi 
penting/ yang diperlukan 
dalam pembukaan surat.

5. Write down specific 
information to indicate 
that your capability 
matches the position = 
Tulis informasi spesifik 
yang menunjukkan bahwa 
kemampuanmu sesuai 
dengan posisinya. 

6. Write down any necessary 
information in the closing = 
Tulis informasi yang dibutuhkan 
dalam penutupan (surat)

7. Sign your application letter = 
Tanda tangani surat lamaranmu

task 2: let's apply for a job
Berikut ini adalah 
application letter 
berdasarkan tujuh poin 
di atas:

February 02, 2021

From :

Mariana Sudirman

Jl. Bulak Rampai

RT.07 RW.11 No.98

Cibubur Jakarta Timur 13720

Attn to. Mr. Feliks Diansyah, Manager

Apika Plaza Ltd.,

Jl. A. Yani 25, Sukamakmur 65126

Dear Mr. Feliks,

I am writing to apply for the Sales Executive position advertised in Kompas, February 01, 2021. As requested, I am enclosing a completed job application, my certification, my resume and four references.

The opportunity presented in this listing is very interesting, and I believe that my marketing experiences and education background will make me a very competitive candidate for this position. My previous position, an executive sales officer in HIBA, the local bus transportation company, has provided me the opportunity to work under a high pressure, team environment, where it is essential to be able to work closely with my co-workers in order to meet sales deadlines. In addition to my responsibilities as an executive sales officer, I have successfully  developed and maintained my good relationship with thousands of customers from middle up to high level. And I will always provide excellent service for all customers.

Graduated from Bachelor Degree – Marketing Department  from reputable academy in Jakarta, I can speak English well and I am also a confident and highly motivated person with a good negotiation skill.

Thank you for your time and consideration. I look forward to the opportunity to personally discuss why I am particularly suited for this position. I can be reached anytime via email at mariana_sudirman@mail.com and 021-8765500.


Mariana Sudirman

Kosa Kata Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya 

- Reputable academy = Akademi bereputasi/ terkemuka

- Look forward to = Menantikan, menunggu

- Consideration = Pertimbangan

- Highly motivated person = Orang bermotivasi tinggi

- A very competitive candidate = Calon yang sangat kompetitif

- As requested = Seperti/ sebagaimana yang diminta

- Any necessary information = Informasi penting apapun

- Previous position = Posisi sebelumnya

- Executive sales officer = Petugas penjualan eksekutif

- Personally discuss = Berbicara secara langsung/ pribadi

- Successfully developed and maintained = Dengan sukses telah mengembangkan dan menjaga

- To work under a high pressure = Bekerja di bawah tekanan tinggi

- Team environment = Lingkungan berkelompok

- From middle up to high level = Dari tingkat menengah sampai atas

- A good negotiation skill = Kemampuan negosiasi yang baik

- Co-workers = Teman-teman kerja

- To meet sales deadlines = Untuk memenuhi tenggat/ batas waktu penjualan

- Bachelor degree = Gelar sarjana

- Education background = Latar belakang pendidikan

Contoh application letter 
di atas adalah bagi pelamar 
yang sudah memiliki 
pengalaman kerja, lalu 
seperti apa contoh application 
letter yang baru lulus sekolah 
dan  sama sekali belum 
memiliki pengalaman kerja, 
berikut adalah tugas 
membuat contoh application letter 
bahasa Inggris kelas 12 
bagi yang belum 
berpengalaman kerja dan 
baru lulus sekolah.

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